Thursday, December 16, 2010

Life and Lies

Salam..and Hi...designing is something to make u relax and enjoying your creativity...well sometimes we dont even know...what  the **** we have designed...abstracts...confusing...haha...

here is the most important thing in designing...whatever u design...whatever your theme...try to show your message short and exact....majority readers dont like to real all the text in your try to attract and make them focus to your main message...And one more thing...readability...dont mess up your design with some grungy abstract cannot-be-read typefaces...

here's my example
it was my 1st poster when im still in bench of college..haha...the most important thing in design is...what are u trying to tell...what is your message..and readability...ok enough with this ...i
'll meet u'll in my next post...adios/salam

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